Emira Švraka
University of Sarajevo Faculty of Health Studies
The contents of the book and a way of consideration eloquently speak about theoretical and practical work of the book. Complexity of the problem of this population the author explains through her rich practical experience and scientific research. In seven connected chapters she presented medical, social and educational results of knowledge about learning difficulties in children and adolescents with cerebral palsy in Bosnia and Herzegovina compared with latest studies in the world.
In first chapter Bosnia and Herzegovina and cerebral palsy, is emphasizes importance of creation of the Register of cerebral palsy in B&H in other to join European Register and possibilities of permanent surveillance of cerebral palsy and further scientific research. The author emphasizes the importance of prevention and especially primary prevention and antenatal protection. Unions of Associations of persons with cerebral palsy have the great role on each level of realization of rights.
Learning difficulties as fifth chapter, shows cerebral palsy as multiple impairment, and because of that process of re/habilitation, education and socialization is more difficult and complicate. Based on results of the author's and the other researches Studies, in the book is shown wide specter of learning difficulties: intellectual disabilities, motor and sensor disabilities, epilepsy, communication and speech problems, reading and writing problems, mathematical capabilities, and behavioral disorders.
In sixth chapter Education, the author gave professional suggestions of preparation children with learning difficulties for attending kindergartens, elementary and secondary schools. She analyzed academic success of children with cerebral palsy. It is emphasized that assessment of capability and success of improvement of child should be conducted by professionals who are working directly with children, and not only by evaluators. Diagnose should be dynamic and could change with development of child.
The title Another side of life is given by the author's personal feelings and conclusions about real quality of life of this population. The author was in more than two hundred home visits of the families of children and adolescents with cerebral palsy and in several emotional stories of their life she gave the picture of real social situation.
Special importance of the book is multidisciplinal approach through several scientific disciplines: medicine, psychology, special pedagogy, social work. All 500 copies of the first edition, and 700 copies of the second enlarged edition of the book Another side of life are sold or given on many successful promotions in B&H towns: Sarajevo, Mostar, Bugojno, Goražde, Jajce, Novi Travnik. Promotors in Mostar and Bugojno were the author's colleagues from Post graduated Study Child and adolescents psychiatry and psychology.
Key words: learning difficulties in children, cerebral palsy